KB Tag: local settings

  • How to create zones from local setting in Prestashop

    Prestashop zones are a list of the world’s sub sections (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subsection.) If required, you can create more zones: tap on “Add New” to show the creation outline All you need is a name and status, for example specifying that you do not permit delivery in Oceania. In multistore mode, you can connect a zone with…

  • How to add countries in Prestashop

    All your countries need to know your prestashop installation to specify exactly where your customers live in the world. There are about 200 countries in the world, but prestashop has 244 registered. This is because in some countries overseas are the right part of the country. For example, French fields known as DOM (Guadeloupe, Martinique,…

  • How to import Localization pack in Prestashop

    Localization The major page under “localization” menu permits you configure the units used for your products. Import Localization pack This part suggests you with a broad list of accessible localization pack which you can introduce. This will set up your prestashop installation with your suitable local units, but it also includes several data: States: When…

  • How to create a new state in local settings in PrestaShop

    In this article, we will show you how to create a new state in local settings in PrestaShop. States: By “States”, PrestaShop describe primary-level administrative divisions of a country. It is called as states in the United-States, It is called as regioni (Singular: regione) in Italy, it is called as regions in France and in…

  • How the local settings are used in PrestaShop

    In this article, we will come to understand how the local settings are used in PrestaShop. Understanding Local Settings: As clear as it may appear, this is the internet, and people from every part of the globe will surely visit your shop, and give orders for your products. Being the owner of the shop, you…