Nodejs: What’s great about Node Package Manager(NPM)?

Nodejs is also very popular among web development technology due to its large ecosystem of libraries known as NPM modules. It is the largest software package library in the world, with over 500,000+ packages. Each time a Command Line Interface (CLI) for npm comes as an add-on with Nodejs installation which allows developers to connect with packages locally on their machine.

Here some example modules of Nodejs that are available within the NPM are,


Nodemon is a monitor script for every Nodejs application development. It acts as a watchman, that watches the files in the directory in where the Nodemon was started, and if any files change its state, Nodemon will automatically restart your node application.


It is the official MongoDB driver for the Nodejs directory that provides a high-level Application Programming Interface(API) over MongoDB-core. In simple, it is meant for the user-end.


It is a zero-configuration command-line HTTP server which is powerful enough for production usage. But it’s simple enough to be used for testing, local development, and learning.

NODEJS:Node Package Manager(NPM)

NPM  is the Node Package Manager that comes to a bundle of packages within it and helps every Node development. Node has been largely used by JavaScript developers to share tools, install various modules and manage their dependencies based on the project requirement. Knowing this, it is essential to know how npm works to understand the entire structure of the development process.


It works based on its two own functionalities:

  • It is an online remote platform that allows anyone to publish and share their tools that are build using the JavaScript. NPM is one of the largest repositories for publishing an individual’s open-source project with Nodejs. 
  • Generally, NPM is a command-line tool that aid to interact with various online platforms(browsers and servers). This utility allows for installing and uninstalling packages, upgrading/downgrading versions, and dependency management.

The npm command-line utility that helps Nodejs to work properly. In deploy any package into the project, it must contain a file called package.json. There you’ll find the project-specific metadata. Metadata helps to identify the project and acts as a baseline for users to get information about it. A package in Nodejs contains all the files that required for a module. Also, you can include Modules-JavaScript libraries into the project.

The metadata shows some NPM features of the project in the following order:

  • The project’s name
  • The initial version
  • Description
  • The entry point
  • Test commands
  • The git repository
  • Keywords
  • License
  • Dependencies
  • The devDependencies

Once you have a package you want to install, it can be installed with a single command-line command from the node library. You can install any package by following instructions,

Learning to install modules is the foremost thing to know before starts working with the Node package manager. Here’s the command to install a module into the current directory:

$ npm install <module>
$ npm i <module>

You can directly install the module using the above command line by just replacing <module> with the name of the module you want.

If you want to install express, a most famous framework that available in Nodejs into the current directory as above. Use the following command line to install express,

$ npm install express


Interested in building Nodejs web application along the side of the Node package manager(npm), Contact us for more detail regarding the application development process.


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