KB Tag: auto layout

  • How to use Auto Layout in Interface Builder

    In this blog, we will show you how Auto Layout can be applied in the Interface Builder. Firstly, set up a new project based on the Single View Application iOS app template. In the project options, select iPhone for the device family, save the project, then open the Storyboard. You will note a menu at…

  • How to build a constraints for a single view

    In this tutorial, the following steps will explain you how to build a constraints for a single view: Step 1: Define Variables Step 2: Initialize Views Step 3: Build the Constraints for a Single View Step 4: Build and Run Step 1: Define Variables To start, build three variables of type UI view Open ViewController.swift and include the following…

  • Advanced Autolayout with xcode 9

    Auto layout is a constraint based layout system; it permits developers to create a responsive and adaptive User Interface. Generally developers find it difficult to study and avoid using it. While developing an app today you won’t be able to manage to keep going without it. Now we are going to start with the basic…

  • How to Add Adaptive Constraints to support an iOS app?

    Learn how to add adaptive constraints to support an iOS app and to modify these variables, permitting us to create apps that run on both iPhone and iPad. Get your best-in-class customized iOS application with latest tech approach, click here and get started!!! Terminology The following are some useful terminology: Trait  Each of the environment…