KB Tag: CSV file

  • How to form a CSV file to download with Magento 2?

    In Magento 2 project, you will require to form a CSV File to Download with Magento 2 very often. So today, I’ll show you how to form a CSV File to Download with Magento.  Let’s see! Please form your controller file, in this example is Download.php in app/code/[Name_Space]/[Your_Module]/Controller/Download For instance, I have to download a…

  • How to Read and write CSV file from Magento 2 platform?

    Here the successive steps help you to Read/Write CSV file from Magento 2: Create Class Webnexs \ Training \ Model \ CsvImportHandler.php Use other functions to process the data you want. Write data to CSV As you probably are aware, the CSV record is the kind of file that Magento utilizes for importing information into…