KB Tag: ios programmer

  • iOS architecture patterns (MVC,MVVM,VIPER)

    In this blog we are going to discuss about iOS architecture design patterns.we have various options when it comes to architecture design patterns: MVC MVVM VIPER First, let’s start MVC pattern Realistic Cocoa MVC Cocoa MVC persuades you to write Massive View Controllers, since they are so concerned in View’s life cycle that it’s hard to state they are divided.…

  • How to include a New iOS Localization

    iOS Localization Tutorial Localization is the process of creating your app support other languages. In many cases, first you make your app with English user interface and then localize the app to other languages such as Japanese. The process of localization is cyclic, and steps of it modify small by small as XCode obtain updated.…

  • How to use GCD to speed up your app

    Threading in iOS can be complicated to know if you are coming from other platforms or are just a beginner at swift. The following are some tips to get you off on the right foot with Threading by using GCD. First a precursor, threading is all about running how work is prioritized in your app.…

  • How to Use Multiple UIStoryboards in Xcode

    iOS Developers, this tutorial has the aim to make you forget building iOS apps that depend on a single storyboard. In the earlier periods, iOS projects contained no more than 10–15 screens in total. A single storyboard was certainly a good option since it could fit all screens and still have a clean wireframe that…

  • How to use Auto Layout in Interface Builder

    In this blog, we will show you how Auto Layout can be applied in the Interface Builder. Firstly, set up a new project based on the Single View Application iOS app template. In the project options, select iPhone for the device family, save the project, then open the Storyboard. You will note a menu at…

  • How to build a constraints for a single view

    In this tutorial, the following steps will explain you how to build a constraints for a single view: Step 1: Define Variables Step 2: Initialize Views Step 3: Build the Constraints for a Single View Step 4: Build and Run Step 1: Define Variables To start, build three variables of type UI view Open ViewController.swift and include the following…

  • Protocols- Oriented programming in swift

    Swift has an additional interesting aspect known as protocol. Protocols are a latest technique of viewing class hierarchy and inheritance. In a predictable object oriented programming environment, you define classes, which explain objects and the functionality they offer, along with the properties they have. Then, you subclass your classes, inheriting each of their functional ity…

  • How to use Generics in iOS swift

    Generics are an interesting concept, and they permit you to reuse your code for several types. Let’s stare at an example: func swapInts(_ a: inout Int, _ b: inout Int) {     let temporaryB = b     b = a     a = temporaryB } swapInts function obtains 2 Ints and swaps them. Here is a sample usage:…

  • Closures and Higher Order Functions(Map, filter,forEach,reduce,Flatmap)

    Closures and Higher Order Functions One of major key features in Swift is the closure. In Objective C, closures are known as blocks. The perception is similar, but they’re much more influential in Swift. Simply set, a closure is a function without a name. Swift closures are first class types, meaning that they can be allocate to…

  • How to use Enumeration with swift

    In this tutorial, we will explain about swift significance. Here we will teach you about Swift, Apple’s new programming language for developing apps. We will be discovering some tips, tricks, and techniques that you can pursue to create your Swift code even Swiftier. Swift was considered with safety, clarity, and stability in mind, and we will…

  • How to build UI PageViewController by storyboard in iOS?

    In this blog, we will show you the basics of UI PageViewController and illustrate how to execute the controller by using Storyboard in iOS. Get build your pixel perfect iOS application for your business, click here and get started!!! Creating the Project Initiate Xcode and build a new Project by using the Single View Application…

  • How to create table view using storyboard in iOS App?

    In this tutorial, we will explain to you how to create a table view using Storyboard in the iOS app with a Navigation interface and integrate it with UITableView. We try to keep things simple and focus on explaining the concept. We create engaging mobile experiences for Apple smartphones and gadgets, Get consulted today!!! Now,…